Illuminate Gala: Light up the night for students


Thu, April 17, 2025

5:30 PM – 8:30 PM EDT


The Classic Center

300 N. Thomas Street

Athens, GA 30601

United States



5:30-6:30 PM Registration and Cocktail Hour 6:30-8:30 PM Dinner and Program The Athens Tech Foundation supports students through scholarships, emergency assistance and retention grants, while also helping the college fund campus improvements and stay connected in the community. We invite you to celebrate at the third annual Illuminate dinner on April 17, 2025. The evening will spotlight the generosity of donors and the Foundation's impact on workforce development in our community since 1988. We hope you will join us for the festivities as we illuminate our past and shed light on the future! To pay by check or secure a sponsorship. You can also call 706-355-5025 for more information or email Athens Tech Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 organization, and your contributions are tax-deductible.

TICKETS Selected during registration

Leading Light Sponsor

$10,000.00 (16 Attendees)

Reserved seating for 16 guests Naming Rights to Illuminate Cocktail Hour Opportunity to provide brief remarks during event Individualized pre-program advertising Two spotlights in Foundation newsletter over next 12 months

Limited Number of Tickets

Luminary Sponsor

$5,000.00 (8 Attendees)

Premium Reserved seating for 8 guests Individualized pre-program advertising One spotlight in Foundation newsletter over next 12 months Logo/Link to Foundation webpage & newsletter for 9 months Logo/Link on Foundation & College social media platforms

Star Sponsor

$2,500.00 (8 Attendees)

Premium reserved seating for 8 guests Collective pre-program advertising Logo/Link to Foundation webpage & newsletter for 6 months Logo/Link on Foundation & College social media platforms Logo/Name displayed on event signage & in program

Spark Sponsor

$1,500.00 (4 Attendees)

Reserved seating for 4 guests Collective pre-program advertising Logo/Link to Foundation webpage & newsletter for 3 months Logo/Link on Foundation & College social media platforms Logo/Name displayed on event signage & Program

Ignite Sponsor

$500.00 (2 Attendees)

Reserved seating for 2 guests Logo/Link to Foundation webpage & newsletter for 1 month Logo/Name displayed on event signage & in program

Reception Sponsor

$2,500.00 (8 Attendees)

Premium reserved seating for 8 guests Collective pre-program advertising Logo/Link to Foundation webpage & newsletter for 6 months Logo/Link on Foundation & College social media platforms Logo/Name displayed on event signage & in program

Limited Number of Tickets

Reserved Table

$1,280.00 (8 Attendees)

1 reserved table (8 seats) and 2 drink tickets per person